Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jyoti Singh Pandey

There are times when I feel so powerless about what happens in this world and one of the reasons I choose not to watch news programs but reading about the horrific injuries inflicted on this young woman is something that I need to comment on. The courage it has taken for this family to speak out against what happened to this beautiful young woman is hard to imagine from a western view point. The pain this family must be suffering is unimaginable. She was 23, educated, talented a medical student at university and beautiful. What was it about this young woman that turned a group of men into something worse than a pack of rabid animals.
Indian law prohibits naming a rape victim unless she authorises it or, if she is dead, her family agrees to it. Thanks to Jyoti and her father Badri for their strength and courage in speaking out Father of Jyoti Singh Pandey, who was gang raped in India and subsequently died of her injuries said .... My daughter didn't do anything wrong. She died while protecting herself. I am proud of her. Revealing her name will give courage to other women who have survived these attacks. They will find strength from my daughter Jyoti means Light, and she is indeed a beacon of light ...Jyoti Singh Pandey's father and family is to be congratulated for taking this step. Nothing can undo this terrible wrong. Mothers everywhere need to instill in their sons a respect for all women no matter their class, caste or skin colour. Teach our sons respect for self and all living beings then perhaps we will see an end to this behaviour. Rape is never about sex it is about power and where there is no respect or love of self there is no respect or love for others.

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