Friday, January 4, 2013

Easter Tuesday 2012

well here we are again it is 4.43am  been awake since 4.00 cant sleep. Did  not go to Mum and Dad
Yesterday Easter Monday Keith was there, but called about 5.00 Dad has not taken his medications again and does not want to. He promised me he would take them with tea. I don’t care if he does not take anything other than the Aricept he must take that.  Today I need to try to explain to him what will happen if he does not take it as Mum and I will not be able to care for him at home and the hallucinations will come back. At least the nurse got him to take a shower when she came today and he said he was glad he had.  The hot water has helped his back-side these new changes to his medication seem to have really thrown him or it simply the disease starting to progress. Sam is on leave until next week I will keep persevering but don’t know what else to do at the moment. I have been calling twice a day to make sure everything is ok. Mum can’t or won’t push the issue of his medication she says Dad is getting quite verbally aggressive in his response when she mentions them.  She is trying hard maybe the penny has finally dropped may be it is just one of her stages I feel like I am walking on eggshells waiting for the next round.  I never know if mum is telling me the truth or what she perceives as the truth and these are poles apart usually.   When I spoke to him last night he was clear one minute evasive the next.    There has been a lot on the news about aged care as the new government paper has been released. Must have made about 8 posts to the FB page yesterday. Sent an email to the Minister for Aging  federal asking they review the funding for Dementia spending and commenting on the British MP recent statement that UK was committed to pounds sterling 66M in dementia care and research probably won’t even get a response.

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