Saturday, January 5, 2013


Yesterday I received a phone call from a couple we have come to know really well, they originally had invited us to Christmas dinner but we could not go because of caring requirements and we were just too tired. It made me realise how important true friends really are. We have not seen each other for months, don’t chat on FB or the phone, but fell back into the old familiar pattern without any problems. We had a great night thanks you two for always being there for us as we are for you. FRIEND : friend (n.) O.E. freond "friend," prp. of freogan "to love, to favor," from P.Gmc. *frijojanan "to love" (cf. O.N. frændi, O.Fris. friund, M.H.G. friunt, Ger. Freund, Goth. frijonds "friend," all alike from prp. forms). Related to O.E. freo "free" (see free (adj.)). Meaning "a Quaker" (a member of the Society of Friends) is from 1670s. Feond ("fiend," originally "enemy") and freond often were paired alliteratively in O.E.; both are masculine agent nouns derived from prp. of verbs, but are not directly related to one another (see fiend). Related: Friends. friend (v.) in the Facebook sense, attested from 2005, from the noun, but friend has been used as a verb in English since late 14c. Related: Friended; friending. Old English had freonsped "an abundance of friends" (see speed (n.)); freondleast "want of friends;" freondspedig "rich in friends", all of which would be useful now. What makes a friend ? how do friendships form ? I found an interesting word yesterday while doing some pre reading for next semester HOMOPHILLY. It refers to the tendency for people to have (non-negative) ties with people who are similar to themselves in socially significant ways. The term itself (due to Lazarsfeld) specifically refers to an internal preference. However, today it is usually used to refer to an observable behavioral tendency whose causes can include preference, but can also include opportunity. It can be more easily understood in the adage “Birds of a feather flock together” Today it is often used in context of form networks of like minded persons. True friends are like mornings, you can't have them the whole day but you can be sure, they will be there when you wake up tomorrow, next year and forever. Care giving is isolating and your conversation skills become dulled it is good to get out and be with friends. I am so lucky that I have so many friends on different levels who all help balance and support me. My wonderful husband , my daughter , my wonderful cousin who is closer than any sister could be; my special girls Emma, Suzy, Sarah, Yang, My boys David and Andrew and David’s lovely lady and partner Shirley ; my ex work colleagues who stay in touch, the market family who are all a great support, the friends I have made through the various support groups face to face and virtual, my new friends from Uni and my FB friends . In many ways my life is rich beyond comparison I am a lucky woman .
I thought I would share these images with you they are from my time in Penang in 1980/81 and are two of my favourite images. It is hard to believe these photos were taken around 36 years ago this month.

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