Friday, January 4, 2013

Changes behind and ahead

This last 12 months has seen so many changes. They include completing 12 months of Tertiary Pathways Preparation at Uni. This was such an enriching and rewarding experience. I wasted much of my time at school bucking the system and being afraid to learn as I felt I could never match my parent’s expectations. The joys of being an only child. I promised myself I would go to Uni when I retired.. I have had a number of false starts and realised I need to be in the academic environment as I do not have the whatever it takes to do these things by distance education. Lack self discipline I suppose. Well the year has been and gone and I completed 4 subjects and passed 3 with High distinctions and one with distinctions and credits. As I was having troubles completing the on line enrolment I called the Student Central Help area and went over yesterday to finish my enrolment. Thanks to the really great Campus staff I am now enrolled in my BA. My major is Counselling Studies and my minor Creative Writing with the Cor. subject of Communication 109. Three subjects makes me a full time student. Wow imagine that at 63 !
I am so lucky to live here Uni close by clean air and if you had asked me years ago if I had thought I would live in a small town in rural Queensland i would have laughed long and lound. We simply nver know what the future holds. This morning I woke early and in the pre dawnn I could hear Kookaburras laughing and last night at sunset we were visited by a flock of black cockatoos we are truely blessed

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